West, Kasie
Places We've Never Been
Buch: Kinder-Jugend

A sweet and swoony contemporary Young Adult novel about a cross-country family road trip that puts one girl and her childhood best friend on an unexpected road to romance!

Norah hasn’t seen her childhood best friend, Skyler, in years. When he first moved away, they'd talk all the time, but lately their relationship has been reduced to liking each other’s Instagram posts. That’s why Norah can’t wait for the joint RV road trip their families have planned for the summer.

But when Skyler finally arrives, he seems...like he’d rather be anywhere else. Hurt and confused, Norah reacts in kind. Suddenly, her oldest friendship is on the rocks.

An unexpected summer spent driving across the country leads both Norah and Skyler down new roads and to new discoveries. Before long, they are, once again, seeing each other in a different light. Can their friendship-turned-rivalry turn into something more?

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Personen: West, Kasie

Standort: St. Johann

Interessenkreis: ab 12 Jahren englischsprachige Literatur


West, Kasie:
Places We've Never Been / Kasie West : Unterlined, [2022]. - 322 Seiten. - Lesealter : Ab 12 Jahren
ISBN 978-0-593-57254-2 Broschur : EUR 12,90

Zugangsnummer: 0042125001 - Barcode: 3062636612
Englisch (Fremdsprachige Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche) - Buch: Kinder-Jugend