Crabbe, Samuel
Love Brewed in Africa
eMedien in der Onleihe

A Love Brewed in Africa is a love story with a twist. Imagine your hopes and dreams dashed in an instant. This was the unfortunate reality for George and Jean, a happily married young couple with their entire futures ahead of them. After a harrowing helicopter crash, George is paralysed and bound to a wheelchair. His ability to have a baby ended when he lost the feeling in his legs. Determined not to let this push them apart, Jean turns from young lover into young carer. As time goes on, all hopes of having a family are lost - or are they? George confides in Jean a plan which seems to be their only hope. However, this plan is soon turned on its head as Jean travels to Ghana. Follow their turbulent life and put yourselves in their shoes for a moment. Could you handle the burden?

Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Crabbe, Samuel

Standort: Onleihe

Crabbe, Samuel:
Love Brewed in Africa : novum pro Verlag, 2018. - 206 S.
ISBN 978-3990640128

Zugangsnummer: 7001/3921
eMedien in der Onleihe