Kelly, Tom
eMedien in der Onleihe

This book is fiction, based on a true story. The story will touch on all your emotions, but overall it is a sad story. A young woman with a bright future stopped in her tracks. An unplanned pregancy in the late 1920's was a very difficult thing to deal with, but even more so if you came from a strict Irish Catholic background. Love within her family certainly helps,but dealing with the stigma of an unwed mother and her baby was an incredible problem. Rose and her parents struggled to find an answer. The answer did come, but from a totally unexpected source-the Catholic Church. It was a radical plan meant to protect the reptutation of a young girl and her infant. Family secrets would need to be kept. Incredible sacrafices would be called for.

Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Kelly, Tom

Standort: Onleihe

Kelly, Tom:
Rose : BookBaby, 2019. - 112 S.
ISBN 978-1-5439-6540-7

Zugangsnummer: 7001/3912
eMedien in der Onleihe