Kings, Avon
My Adventurous Bedtime Stories

Hello kids! 
How is your day? Is it going great?
…. Great. 
Welcome to this audio book My Adventurous Bedtime Stories by Avon Kings. Are you excited about a new set of stories today? 
… Great!
My name is Maharani. And I am presenting you, my little listeners, five stories in this audiobook. Say along with me:

Story 1: Boomers Big Adventure (17:04 Min.)
Story 2: Bronco's Big Break (8:44 Min.)
Story 3: Vita and the Great Big Roar (8:10 Min.) 
Story 4: Magic Angel Dust (8:00 Min.)
Story 5: Desert Flower (8:30 Min.)

The titles seem intriguing, right? Nod your heads if they did… Good! Now I cant wait to present each story to you younglings. 

All right then. Let's begin. Listen to the book description by clicking on the audio file. Unfortunately, the number of words is limited here.

Did you listen to the audio file? Yes, great. That was a small part of the story. Thanks for listening. But that's not the end. This is just a start, a taste of an amazing journey you and I will take together through this audio book. If you have something to say, comment below.

Stay updated on my channel by clicking the link and stay updated on new stories on my wordpress site. Let's enjoy the whole story together. Let's have fun.

see you later

Altersempfehlung: ab 4 Jahren.

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