Irving, John
The Cider House Rules

From one of America's most beloved and respected writers comes the classic story of Homer Wells, an orphan, and Wilbur Larch, a doctor without children of his own, who develop an extraordinary bond with one another.

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Personen: Irving, John

Schlagwörter: Fremdsprachlicher Text

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Irving, John:
The Cider House Rules / John Irving. - 1. Auflage. - London : Corgi Books. - 736 Seiten ; 18 cm
ISBN 978-0-552-14613-5 Broschur : 2,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2017/1560
Besondere Schicksale (Selbstfindung, Traumata u.ä.): Schöne Literatur/Roman - Signatur: Irvi -