Hornby, Nick
About a Boy

Will is 36 years old and lives a happy existence in London as a carefree single. ... However he feels he needs to meet more women, and so he joins a single-parent group full of women who he believes are waiting to meet 'Mr Nice Guy'.
Instead he comes into contact with Marcus, a young teenager who is definitely not trendy and is bullied at school, and slowly they start to learn from each other how to act their own age.

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Personen: Hornby, Nick

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Hornby, Nick:
About a Boy / Nick Hornby. - Berlin : Cornelsen, 2003. - 256 S. : Ill. ; 20 cm x 12,5 cm. - (Senior English Library)
ISBN 978-3-464-37164-0 kt. : 3,50

Zugangsnummer: 2016/0010 - Barcode: 2-5023607-5-00006062-2
Signatur: Hornb - Buch