The Theological Study Commission on Doctrine and Doctrinal Standards An Interim Report to the General Conference - An Invitation to the United Methodist Church

The Problem of Doctrine and Doctrinal Standards in the United Methodist Church

An Inventory of Theological Problems

From Our Heritage to a New Quest

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Personen: Outler, Albert C. Behney, Bruce J. Thornburg, Robert Watts

Kdu 50

The Theological Study Commission on Doctrine and Doctrinal Standards : An Interim Report to the General Conference - An Invitation to the United Methodist Church / Albert C. Outler; Bruce J. Behney; Robert Watts Thornburg. - Peoria, Illiois. - 69 S.

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0213 - Barcode: 2-2100881-6-00044851-2
United Methodist Church: Generalkonferenz - Buch