Garland, Alex
The Beach

The Beach is a legend among young travellers in Asia: white sands circling a lagoon hidden from the sea, coral gardens and freshwater falls surrounded by jungle. In this early paradise, it is zumoured, a select community lives in blissful innocence. For Richard, haunted by the Vietnam war movies, a trek into unknown Thai territory is irresistible. He was looking for adventure. Now he's found it.

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Personen: Garland, Alex

Schlagwörter: Englisch Thailand

Garland, Alex:
The Beach / Alex Garland. - o.A. : Penguin Group, 1997. - 438 S.
TB: 6,99 Engl. Pfund

Zugangsnummer: 0013226001 - Barcode: 10126424
R 82 - Signatur: R 82 Gar - Belletristik