Stratton, Jess
Avoiding Phishing Scams

It's easy to fall prey to phishing scams, even for the most tech-savvy computer user. In this short course, instructor Jess Stratton teaches you how to recognize the signs of a potential phishing scam, so that you can keep your computer safe from malicious attacks. Jess takes you through several phishing examples and explains how to look critically at the email you receive. She points out some of the most common scenarios used by hackers and other telltale signs of a phishing email and shows you how to protect your computer from email phishing scams.

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Personen: Stratton, Jess

Stratton, Jess:
Avoiding Phishing Scams : LinkedIn, 2021. - 00:08:07

Zugangsnummer: EM-1611184607
Signatur: eLearning -