Sweeney, Daniel R.
Armed with the Faith A Catholic Handbook for Military Personnel

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Personen: Sweeney, Daniel R.

Schlagwörter: USA Militärseelsorge Handbuch Gebetbuch

CA Sween

Sweeney, Daniel R.:
Armed with the Faith : A Catholic Handbook for Military Personnel / Ed. by Rev. Daniel R. Sweeney, S.J., Ph.D., Chaplain, Major, U.S. Air Force Reserve. - 5th ed., 1st print. : Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, 2014. - sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and distributed in collaboration with the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
ISBN 978-0-9837297-2-3

Zugangsnummer: 00003748 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00003731-0
Militärseelsorge andere Länder - Bücher