Malkovyca, Ivana
100 kazok Najkrasci ukrains´ki narodni kazky

Bestseller among gift color editions for the last three years. This is the first volume of the planned three-volume series "100 fairy tales". Work on the book lasted more than 7 years. The first edition was published in September 2005. The third edition is supplemented with new tales and pictures.

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Serie / Reihe: 100 kazok : najkrasci ukrains´ki narodni kazky

Personen: Malkovyca, Ivana

Standort: Hauptstelle

Schlagwörter: Märchen Kinderbuch Ukrainisch

I J 89

Malkovyca, Ivana:
100 kazok : Najkrasci ukrains´ki narodni kazky. - 158 Seiten, farbige Illustrationen. - (100 kazok : najkrasci ukrains´ki narodni kazky; Band 1; .)
ISBN 978-966-7047-27-6 Festeinband: Schenkung Körber Stiftung

Zugangsnummer: 1048376001 - Barcode: 00528207
I J 89 - Kinderliteratur