Toon, Paige
Lucy in the Sky

Settling down for a twenty-four-hour flight to Australia, Lucy finds a text message on her phoneùnot from her boyfriend James, as she fondly hopes, but from a woman claiming to have slept with him four times in the past month. Trapped on the plane, she questions everything about her relationship with James. She finally calls him and he reassures her: it was only his mates playing a silly joke.
James is a lawyer, persuasive and gorgeous, and Lucy adores him. So why, at her best friendÆs wedding, does she have niggling doubts, and find herself attracted to the brideÆs brother-in-law Nathan? The sooner she gets back to her regular life in London, the flat she shares with James, her job in PR, the better. Nathan is just a happy-go-lucky surfer boy, with no prospects, no place to live, an almost-girlfriend in tow. Suddenly Lucy finds herself caught between two distant continents and two very different men... (amazon)

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Personen: Toon, Paige

Schlagwörter: Australien Englisch Roman

FS.E Too

Toon, Paige:
Lucy in the Sky. - London : Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2007. - 390
ISBN 978-1-84739-043-1

Zugangsnummer: 0043128001 - Barcode: 01434682
FS.E Fremdsprachige Schriften: Englisch (Kinder und Erwachsene) - Belletristik