Albright, William Foxwell
From the Stone Age to Christianity Monotheism and the Historical Process

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1 Amt für katholische Religionspädagogik Frankfurt, Frankfurt

Personen: Albright, William Foxwell

Schlagwörter: Religionsgeschichte Alter Orient Israeliten Monotheismus

JU 4.10 - 07

Albright, William Foxwell:
From the Stone Age to Christianity : Monotheism and the Historical Process / William Foxwell Albright. - 2nd ed. with a new introduction. - Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday, 1957. - 432 S. - (Doubleday Anchor Books; A 100)
Best.-Nr.: 0000247001

Zugangsnummer: 0003/0194
Judentum - Geschichte - Buch