Morpurgo, Michael
Medium der interaktiven Leseförderung Antolin Dolphin Boy in Englischer Sprache

Jim lives in a fishing village - but no-one goes fishing any more as all the fish have gone. One day, Jim spots a dolphin beached on the sand. He runs to get help, and everyone works together to return the dolphin to the water. Afterwards, the dolphin stays in the harbour, playing with the swimmers - and he even carries Jim on his back! Then the dolphin disappears, and everyone is so sorrowful they take out a boat to find him. Suddenly the sea is boiling with dolphins leaping out of the sea! They have come to stay - and the village comes to life with tourists, mended boats, and dolphins!

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Dieses Medium ist im Leseförderprojekt Antolin vorhanden.
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Personen: Morpurgo, Michael

Schlagwörter: Antolin Klasse-6

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Morpurgo, Michael:
Dolphin Boy : in Englischer Sprache. - London : Andersen Press
ISBN 978-1-84270-320-5

Zugangsnummer: 2021/0254 - Barcode: 2-9344645-5-00006547-4
Romane und Erzählungen für Kinder (von 9 - 13 Jahren) - Signatur: 5.1 MORP - Buch