Chbosky, Stephen
The perks of being a wallflower

In a thought-provoking coming-of-age novel, Charlie struggles to cope with the complex world of high school as he deals with the confusions of sex and love, the temptations of drugs, and the pain of losing a close friend and a favorite aunt.

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Personen: Chbosky, Stephen

Interessenkreis: englisch Fremdsprachig

J Chbo

Chbosky, Stephen:
¬The¬ perks of being a wallflower / Stephen Chbosky. - Hamburg : Polydor, 2012. - 213 S.
ISBN 978-1-4516-9619-6 kt. : 0,00

Zugangsnummer: 0001/0455 - Barcode: 02157801
Jugendbücher (ab 12 Jahre) - Buch