Chellman, Joe
Vue.js for Web Designers

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that can be used to build interactive components or entire single-page apps. It's a powerful and flexible framework for the modern web designer-whether you use a little of it or a lot. In this course, Joe Chellman offers practical ways to incorporate Vue.js in real-world web designs. He introduces three small projects that benefit from Vue: a real-time updating product customizer that shows how to manage data and respond to events with Vue; an employee directory using Vue forms and animation; and a status board that makes external API calls and uses a third-party Vue component. Each project demonstrates what makes Vue most interesting and useful to web designers and provides solutions for dealing with the few unique challenges.

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Personen: Chellman, Joe

Chellman, Joe:
Vue.js for Web Designers : LinkedIn, 2019. - 01:57:42.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505268439