Hawley, Noah
Before the Fall

A private jet plunges into the sea.

The only survivors are down-on his luck artist Scott Burroughs and JJ Bateman, the four year old son of a super-rich TV executive.

For saving the boy, Scott is suddenly a hero.

And then, as the official investigation is rapidly overtaken by a media frenzy, it seems he may also be a villain.

Why was he on the plane in the first place, and why did it crash?

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Medium erhältlich in:
5 Katholische öffentliche Bücherei St. Marien, Korschenbroich

Personen: Hawley, Noah

Standort: St. Marien

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Hawley, Noah:
Before the Fall : Hodder Paperbacks, 2017. - 400 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4447-7977-6 Broschur : EUR 9,99

Zugangsnummer: 5017/0635 - Barcode: 2-1110414-6-00016643-0
Schöne Literatur - Signatur: Hawle - Buch