Whyman, Matt
Unacceptable Behaviour

A riotous dark comedy teeming with delightfully unacceptable behaviour. Like all good law-abiding citizens, sixteen-year-old Maurice no longer considers going off the rails as just a teenage phase. It can only mean the mark of a troll . . . But these trolls aren't confined to causing trouble online: now they're in our homes, on our streets and have ruined life as we know it. As a rule Maurice tries to avoid trouble - until the day he crosses paths with Wretch, a very bad apple indeed. And with tensions rising, can these two teens put their differences aside in order to survive?

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Personen: Whyman, Matt

Whyman, Matt:
Unacceptable Behaviour : Perseus Book Group, 2016. - 288 S.
ISBN 9781471404214

Zugangsnummer: EM-400787498
Signatur: eBook - eMedium