Knight, Steven
Amazing Grace The story of William Wilberforce and his fight to end the slave trade

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, motivating material that will instantly appeal to students. 'Amazing Grace' is adapted from the 2007 movie which tells the story of William Wilberforce and his campaigners who fought to bring an end to the slave trade.

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Personen: u.v.m. Knight, Steven Doka, B.

Schlagwörter: Englisch


Knight, Steven ¬[Verfasser]:
Amazing Grace : The story of William Wilberforce and his fight to end the slave trade / Steven Knight. - London : Mary Glasgow Magazines, 2006. - 64 S. - 1 Audio CD

Zugangsnummer: 2010/0415 - Barcode: 2-2042270-5-00007526-8
Schöne Literatur - Buch