Keith, Billy
Days of anguish, days of hope

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Personen: Keith, Billy Taylor, Robert Preston

Schlagwörter: USA Weltkrieg 1939-1945 Militärseelsorge Pazifikkrieg 1941-1945 Philippinen Baptisten First Baptist Church

CA Keith

Keith, Billy:
Days of anguish, days of hope / Billy Keith ; introduction by Robert Preston Taylor. - Second edition. - Fort Worth, Texas : Scripta Publishing, 1991. - 216 Seiten. - first published 1972 by Doubleday & Company, New York ; reprinted 1991 by special permission of copyright holder
ISBN 978-1-889730-15-8 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 00016239 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00016504-4
Militärseelsorge andere Länder - Bücher