Johannes Paul <II., Papst>
John Paul II and the family of peoples the Holy Father to the Diplomatic Corps (1978-2002)

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Personen: Johannes Paul <II., Papst> Crepaldi, Giampaolo

Schlagwörter: Friedensethik Kirchliche Dokumente Diplomatisches Korps Ansprache

TD Johan

Johannes Paul :
John Paul II and the family of peoples : the Holy Father to the Diplomatic Corps (1978-2002) / Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace ; Introduction by his excellence bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi. - Vatican City : Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, 2002. - 293 Seiten
ISBN 978-88-209-7390-2

Zugangsnummer: 00005372 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00005376-1
Kirchliche Dokumente - Bücher