Thomson, Ronald W.
Ministering to the Chaplains The story of the Baptist and Congregational Chaplains and the work of the United Navy, Army and Air Force Board 1914-1964

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Personen: Thomson, Ronald W.

Schlagwörter: USA Militärseelsorge Kirchengeschichte Baptisten Kongregationalistische Kirche

CA Thoms

Thomson, Ronald W.:
Ministering to the Chaplains : The story of the Baptist and Congregational Chaplains and the work of the United Navy, Army and Air Force Board 1914-1964 / Ronald W. Thomson : Published by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland ..., 1964. - 64 Seiten
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Zugangsnummer: 00015089 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00015345-4
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