The Development of US Military Strategy and its Implications for the Security of the Neutral and Non-Aligned Countries of Europe /

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Personen: Gustenau, Gustav E.

Schlagwörter: Sicherheitspolitik USA Militärstrategie

ST Devel

Landesverteidigungsakademie / Institut für Strategische Grundlagenforschung:
The Development of US Military Strategy and its Implications for the Security of the Neutral and Non-Aligned Countries of Europe / ed. by Gustav E. Gustenau, Mag. Phil., Captain. - Vienna : Institute for Strategic Research, National Defence Academy, 1990. - (Studies and Reports). - January 1990

Zugangsnummer: 00004400 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00004390-8
Militärwissenschaft, Strategie - Bücher