Tolman, Deborah L.
APA handbook of sexuality and psychology Vol. 2

When embarking on this handbook, the question we posed to ourselves was "What is sexuality for psychology?" Many authors of these chapters responded with some version of "everything and everywhere." That sex and sexuality have become almost perversely definitional of who humans are at this historical moment is cause for both celebration and complaint. Query it, queer it, or quell it, sexuality is an element of the human condition that demands attention and analysis. Historically, the discipline of psychology has had a fraught relationship with the complex range of human experiences encompassed by sexuality. This handbook therefore represents a watershed moment not only for the field of sexuality scholarship but also for the discipline of psychology.

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Personen: Tolman, Deborah L. Diamond, Lisa M. Bauermeister, José A. etc

Schlagwörter: Sexualität Homosexualität Sexualwissenschaft Sexualpsychologie sexuelle Vielfalt Sexualentwicklung

CR 6000 T652-II-01

Tolman, Deborah L.:
APA handbook of sexuality and psychology : Vol. 2 / Deborah L. Tolman and Lisa M. Diamond, editors-in-chief; José A. Bauermeister ... [et. al]. - Washington, D.C : American Psychological Association, 2014. - 484 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4338-1372-6

Zugangsnummer: 00006011 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00006516-0
Differentielle Psychologie (Persönlichkeitspsychologie) - Buch