McRae, Chris
Creating Performances for Teching and Learning a Practice Session for Pedagogy

This book uses the metaphors of practice spaces and practice sessions to demonstrate the connection between creative and performance practices, and critical pedagogy. It offers a conceptual framework for using performance and creative practices as starting points for developing philosophies and practices of teaching that are grounded in aesthetic, creative, and critical approaches to education. The practice sessions for pedagogy presented include a range of creative endeavours, such as performance workshops, musical routines, crafting practices, and writing. By focusing on the critical function of creative practices, the book emphasizes the ways creativity can reveal the relationship between everyday acts, and social and cultural ideologies and structures. Creative practices also present the opportunity for imagining new, more socially just and inclusive, configurations of these relationships. This book is designed for teachers and students interested in critical pedagogy, performance, and creative educational practices.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Creativity, Education and the Ars

Personen: McRae, Chris Huber, Audrey

Schlagwörter: Performance Schreiben Kreativität Musik Forschung Pädagogik Erziehung Bildung Praxis

DG 9000 M478-02

McRae, Chris:
Creating Performances for Teching and Learning : a Practice Session for Pedagogy / Chris McRae; Audrey Huber. - Cham : Springer International Publishing - Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. - 187 Seiten. - (Creativity, Education and the Ars)
ISBN 978-3-319-85424-3

Zugangsnummer: 00006475 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00001711-4
Spezialfragen der Erziehung - Buch