Mullan, Jennifer
Decolonizing Therapy Oppression, Historical Trauma, and Politicizing Your Practice

A call to action for therapists to politicise their practice through an emotional de-colonial lens.

An essential work that centres colonial and historical trauma in a framework for healing, Decolonizing Therapy illuminates that all therapy is-and always has been-inherently political. To better understand the mental health oppression and institutional violence that exists today, we must become familiar with the root of disembodiment from our histories, homelands and healing practices. Only then will readers see how colonial, historical and intergenerational legacies have always played a role in the treatment of mental health.

This book is the emotional companion and guide to decolonisation. It is an invitation for Euro-centrically trained clinicians to acknowledge privileged and oppressed parts while relearning what we thought we knew. Ignoring collective global trauma makes delivering effective therapy impossible; not knowing how to interrogate privilege (as a therapist, client or both) makes healing elusive; and shying away from understanding how we as professionals may be participating in oppression is irresponsible.

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Personen: Mullan, Jennifer

Schlagwörter: Therapie Individualpsychologie Heilung Dekolonisation

CV 3000 M958-02

Mullan, Jennifer:
Decolonizing Therapy : Oppression, Historical Trauma, and Politicizing Your Practice. - New York : WW Norton & Co, 2023. - 480 S. - 15 black-and-white figures; 2 tables
ISBN 978-1-324-01916-9

Zugangsnummer: 00008360 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00009163-3
Sozialpsychologie - Buch