Rainer, Lucia
On the Threshold of Knowing Lectures and Performances in Art and Academia

In this in-depth analysis of artistic and academic lectures and performances, Lucia Rainer features an innovative conceptual and methodological tool that augments Goffman's Frame Analysis with a praxeological perspective. This way, she gives profound insight into how knowledge - as a practice and a concept - is associated with clarity rather than truth. Based on four case studies - including John Cage's unpublished and unabridged audio recording of Lecture on Nothing - the study explores how the concept of lecture performances, which adheres to two frames that never entirely blend, provides a space to (re-)negotiate the artistic-academic relationship

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Serie / Reihe: Critical Dance Studies 46

Personen: Rainer, Lucia

Schlagwörter: Kunstwissenschaft Kulturwissenschaften Performance Unterricht

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

AL 42100 R155-01

Rainer, Lucia:
On the Threshold of Knowing : Lectures and Performances in Art and Academia / Lucia Rainer. - Bielefeld : transcript-Verlag, 2017. - 223 S. : Ill., Diagramme. - (Critical Dance Studies; 46)
ISBN 978-3-8376-3804-2

Zugangsnummer: 00000149 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00000640-8
Hochschul- und Universitätswesen - Buch