Busch, Dennis
The age of collage 2 contemporary collage in modern art

Collage is as topical as ever. The Age of Collage Vol. 2 is a striking collection of work that ranges from subversive to museum-worthy. While some examples make explicit statements, others are gloriously Dada.

Bringing disparate images and items together, collage transcends the boundaries between artistic disciplines. The traditionally analog technique has its roots in surrealism and Dada. Having effortlessly evolved to embrace digital tools and the combinatory freedom that they offer, collage is now making a promising comeback.

The Age of Collage Vol.2 presents the work of more than 80 collage artists - from established names including John Baldessari and Richard Prince to up-andcoming talents such as Lola Dupré. A follow- up to The Age of Collage, the book is a comprehensive showcase of the surprising diversity of this genre today.

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Personen: Busch, Dennis

Schlagwörter: Kunst Bildband Collage

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

LH 70270 B977-II-01

Busch, Dennis:
¬The ¬ age of collage 2 : contemporary collage in modern art / ed. by Dennis Busch, Hendrik Hellige, and Robert Klanten. - Berlin : gestalten, 2016. - 320 Seiten : Ill.
ISBN 978-3-89955-583-7

Zugangsnummer: 00001916 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00000613-2
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Buch