Florian, Lani
The SAGE handbook of special education Volume 1

The second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Special Education provides a comprehensive overview of special education, offering a wide range of views on key issues from all over the world. The contributors bring together up-to-date theory, research and innovations in practice, with an emphasis on future directions for the role of special education in a global context of inclusion.

This brand new edition features:

" New chapters on families, interagency collaboration and issues of lifelong learning

" The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

" Policy reform proposals

" Equity and social justice in education

" The impact of new thinking on assessment

" Issues and developments in classification

" The preparation and qualifications that teachers need

The Handbook's breadth, clarity and academic rigour will make it essential reading for researchers and postgraduate students, and also for practitioners, teachers, school managers and administrators.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Florian, Lani

Schlagwörter: Lernen Inklusion Bildung Sonderpädagogik

DT 1000 F635-01 (2)

Florian, Lani:
¬The¬ SAGE handbook of special education : Volume 1 / ed. by Lani Florian. - 2. ed. - Los Angels [u.a.] : SAGE Publ., 2014. - 434 Seiten. - Besteht aus zwei Bänden
ISBN 978-1-4462-1053-6

Zugangsnummer: 00005270
Pädagogik der Behinderten und Verhaltensgestörten. Sonderpädagogik, Heilpädagogik - Buch