Burrows, Jonathan
Writing dance

Human beings embody whatever they meet, and it's all there when you work whether you want it there or not.' Practice is like the dust that accumulates, and revisiting fragments of essays and talks on choreography Jonathan Burrows ended up embracing the haphazard and the mess, moments of unfocus and focus, harnessing them in pithy formulations and scores, adding room and punctuation and line breaks in the process so readers can hear the rhythm as he writes his dance on writing dance.

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Personen: Burrows, Jonathan

Schlagwörter: Essay Choreografie

AP 8700 B972-03

Burrows, Jonathan [Verfasser]:
Writing dance. - First edition, October 2022. - Brüssel, Oslo : Varamo Press, 2022. - 80 Seiten. - (Varamo Press gestures)
ISBN 978-82-691-4925-8

Zugangsnummer: 00008017 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00008888-6
Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Kommunikationsdesign - Buch