Dear White People - A Satire About Being a Black Face in a White Place freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
DVD Erw/Adulti

Justin Simien writes and directs this race-themed satirical comedy. At the prestigious and predominantly white Winchester University, film major Sam (Tessa Thompson) tries to shake up her school's student body and confront its widespread racial disparity with her campus radio show 'Dear White People'. She quickly gains attention and wins the election to be head of the all black campus house Armstrong/Parker ahead of her popular ex-boyfriend Troy (Brandon Bell). While Sam succeeds in making more enemies, gay student Lionel (Tyler James Williams) thinks he may have finally found a place for himself when he is recruited to the school's newspaper.

Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren.

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Standort: OEW

Schlagwörter: Rassismus kritisches Weißsein Alltagsrassismus

Dear White People - A Satire About Being a Black Face in a White Place : freigegeben ab 12 Jahren / Tyler James Williams ; A Justin Simien Film, 2014. - 1 DVD-video (103 min). - Language: English
EAN 5060262853276

Zugangsnummer: 0017569001
Dear - Signatur: Dear - DVD Erw/Adulti