Angela Ahn
Krista Kim-Bap (Unabridged)

In debut author Angela Ahn's middle grade novel, all Krista wants is to figure out the three F's: food, family, and friends...Krista and Jason have been best friends since preschool. It never mattered that he was a boy with reddish-brown hair and she was the "Korean girl" at school. Now in fifth grade, everyone in their class is preparing their Heritage Month projects. Jason has always loved Krista's Korean family, and particularly their cooking, but Krista is conflicted about being her school's "Korean Ambassador". She's also worried about asking her intimidating grandma to teach the class how to make their traditional kimbap dish. Combine that with her new friends pulling her away from Jason, and Krista has a lot to deal with this year!

Altersempfehlung: ab 9 Jahren.

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