Tor Caldwell
NumBots - A story about teamwork and the importance of asking for help., Kitty and the Camera

Magical objects are always appearing in the scrapheap. But when KittyBot finds something mysterious, she faces a problem and she needs her friends' help...
At Maths Circle, our core purpose is to make children feel confident with maths.
Learning how to work in a team is an essential skill for our little listeners to develop. In this story, Kitty and her friends work collectively as a team to solve a problem.
We've created these audio stories and accompanying activities, all centred around the theme of growth mindset and resilience, to inspire confidence not just in maths, but in all areas of development. You can download the accompanying activities at
NumBots is an award-winning maths learning platform that helps children achieve the 'triple win' of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction.

Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahren.

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