Livia, Anna
Bulldozer Rising

Introduction: "Essa's skin was always miraculous when Soren first touched it again. It made Soren feel real, entire, up against the very boundaries of herself along the line that closed her in and joined her to the world... "We killed two people," she would tell Essa. Not, "We killed two young men," as she must say, correctly, to the senectity." -- In a glittering city of water and glass where a highspeed youth culture has decreed death for citizens over forty, a secret congress of 'old' women plot survival. 'Bulldozer Rising' is lesbian feminist science-fiction, an adventure of bone-chilling glee in which male and youth supremacy just might be outwitted. A serious satirical novel taking issue with assumptions of power, assumptions of beauty.

Personen: Livia, Anna

FrB Liv

Livia, Anna:
Bulldozer Rising / Anna Livia. - London : Onlywomen, 1988. - S. 188
ISBN 978-0-906500-27-9

Zugangsnummer: 0006948001
FrB - Bücher