Mazzucco, Melania G.
Lei cosi amata

Introduction: The author traces, between fantasy and historical document, the biography of Annemarie Schwarzenbach (1908-1942). The protagonist of the work, fascinating and contradictory figure, uses his short life writing novels, taking repeated trips that take you to visit the Far East, America and Africa improvising from time to time, archaeologist, photographer and journalist, weaving homosexual short and intense always looking for an elusive self-knowledge and completeness.

Personen: Mazzucco, Melania G.

FrB Maz

Mazzucco, Melania G.:
Lei cosi amata / Melania G. Mazzucco. - Milano : Bur La Scala, 2002. - 429 S.
ISBN 978-88-17-86311-7

Zugangsnummer: 0007130001
FrB - Bücher