Naylor, Gloria
Linden Hills

Introduction: "Linden Hills is a rich, private residential estate in America. Intended as a symbol that blacks can be just like white, Linden Hills is in fact an infernal place, and as two young blacks, Willie and Lester, odd-job their way down the hill in the week before Christmas, the layers of hypocrisy and self-destruction which are its foundation become exposed. And at the bottom of the hill waits the estate's sinister owner, Luther Nedeed, feudal baron of the estate and of his own family, whose perpetuation of the cruel, inverted values of Linden Hills must ultimately confronted..."

Personen: Naylor, Gloria

FrB Nay

Naylor, Gloria:
Linden Hills / Gloria Naylor. - 2. - London : Minerva, 1992. - S. 304
ISBN 978-0-7493-9939-9

Zugangsnummer: 0006956001
FrB - Bücher