Rendell, Ruth
Wolf Of The Slaughter

Introduction: " It was better than a hotel, this anonymous room on a secluded street of a small country town. No register to sign, no questions asked, and for a fiver a man could have three hours of undisturbed, illicit lovemaking. Then one evening a man with a knife turned the love nest into a death chamber. The carpet was soaked with blood -- but where was the corpse? Meanwhile, a beautiful, promiscuous woman is missing -- along with the pack of cash she'd had in her pocket..."

Personen: Rendell, Ruth

FrB Ren

Rendell, Ruth:
Wolf Of The Slaughter / Ruth Rendell. - 5. - New York : Ballantine Books, 1984. - S. 185
ISBN 978-0-345-32035-3

Zugangsnummer: 0006969001
FrB - Bücher