Lippincott, Rachael
The Lucky List
Buch: Kinder-Jugend

Two girls, one list and twelve chances to fall in love this summer . . .

Emily’s always been lucky.

Well, technically her mum was the lucky one, and since she died, Emily’s started to feel like her luck’s run out. So when Emily finds her mum’s senior-year bucket list, she finds twelve ways to feel close to her again. But if she wants to check everything off, she’ll need help – help in the form of Blake.

As Blake and Emily work through the list, the girls’ bond deepens. Emily is starting to feel lucky again, but she’s faced with the question: can she accept this new part of herself, the part her mum never even knew existed?

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Personen: Lippincott, Rachael

Standort: St. Johann

Interessenkreis: ab 14 Jahren englischsprachige Literatur


Lippincott, Rachael:
¬The¬ Lucky List / Rachael Lippincott. - London u.a. : Simon & Schuster, [2021]. - 295 Seiten : Illustrationen. - Lesealter ? : ? Ab 14 Jahren
ISBN 978-1-398-50260-4 Broschur : EUR 0,00

Zugangsnummer: 0042441001 - Barcode: 3062639873
Englisch (Fremdsprachige Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche) - Buch: Kinder-Jugend