Villamagna, Dana
Complete Idiot's Guide To Vegan Eating For Kids Bring delicious, nutritious vegan dishes to your child's plate

Children can thrive on a vegan diet! "The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Vegan Eating for Kids" shows parents how they can raise a happy, healthy child on a vegan diet. The guide presents all the nutritional needs for children up to 12 years old, outlining what they need at what stage in their lives, and what vegan foods can provide those nutrients. The only book to present a complete plan for raising a vegan child. Includes delicious vegan recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and snacks that especially appeal to children. Will appeal to the nearly 5 million vegetarians/vegans in the United States. Includes complete nutritional lists of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Features tips for teaching children how to cope in a non-vegan world.

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Personen: Villamagna, Dana Villamagna, David

Schlagwörter: Rezepte Ratgeber Kind Veganismus Ernährungsformen Kinderernährung Ernährungspyramide

Interessenkreis: Ernährung


Villamagna, Dana:
Complete Idiot's Guide To Vegan Eating For Kids : Bring delicious, nutritious vegan dishes to your child's plate / Dana Villamagna ; David Villamagna. - New York : Alpha Books, 2010. - 256 S. ; 156mm x 231mm x 18mm
ISBN 978-1-59257-978-5 18,99 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 0000/2379 - Barcode: 01070125
Ernährung: vegane Kochbücher - Buch