Fair Future Resource Conflicts, Security and Global Justice

How can those in poor countries raise their standards of living, on a planet with limited resources, without putting it under additional environmental stress? This book constructs the necessary intellectual and moral platform for fundamental progress in the decades of the 21st century.

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Schlagwörter: Ressourcenknappheit Konflikte Ressourcen Sicherheit

Interessenkreis: Ressourcen


Fair Future : Resource Conflicts, Security and Global Justice / Sachs, Wolfgang; Santarius, Tilman. - London : Zed Books, 2007. - 276 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-84277-729-9

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0251 - Barcode: 01091281
Umweltzerstörung: Ressourcenverbrauch, Nachhaltigkeit - Buch